Our brand
Before the American Revolution, the King of England over taxed and abused the rights of colonists in America. As opposition to the tyranny, a group began to organize and would go on to be known as The Sons of Liberty. Their actions of civil disobedience such as The Boston Tea Party, lead to the colonies uniting and the eventual birth of a government for the people by the people.
Until now, The People have enjoyed those same Rights and Liberties that our forefathers and mothers fought for. We would never imagine our human right to freedom, or the simple declaration of it, would again be looked at as treason. These transgressions on Liberty are happening not just here in the United States, but across the world.
The Sons and Daughters of Liberty represent history repeating itself; that pivotal moment in time answered with bold dedication, unity beyond borders and selfless acts of courage in the name of unalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This brand is symbolic of that victory for you, your values, your rights and your freedoms.
Our iconic flag is designed as an ode to the original red and white Sons of Liberty "rebellious stripes flag", Benjamin Franklin's political "Join, or Die" illustration and "The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" - all universal symbols to Forge Freedom Forward. This flag reminds us we are all in this together no matter the border. We will all come together in the name of freedom and Liberty again. We will all pursue our right to happiness as We the People see fit. This is non-negotiable.
@SonsAndDaughtersOfLibertyUSA |. #SonsAndDaughtersOfLiberty |. #SaDoL |. #ForgeFreedomForward
Our founding father